
March 25th, 2009

Things that give me joy, in no order, and inexhaustively:

  • The bleeding hearts shady shade plants that were crushed by huge pallet full of deck redoing fake wood last summer and I thought were dead dead dead but which came back this year. Even the one that was puny. Though it’s still puny.
  • Coming across books I’ve already read in the 50 books poc journal (such as Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi) and realizing that while my reading pattern is pretty white, it’s not completely white, and that’s before I start intentionally seeking more diverse reading!
  • Sunshine.
  • My leather jacket (sorry, vegans).
  • The way my daughter plays “Ode to Joy” on the piano.
  • Empanadas.
  • One Password.
  • Yes, you’re alive songs: “Leeds United” by Amanda Palmer, “Karma Slave” by Splashdown, “Walk the Walk” by Poe, “Up to the Roof” by Blue Man Group, “Flowers” by They Might Be Giants.
  • Newfound stability in poses like Utthita Trikonasana.
  • Coloring and drawing with Sophia.
  • Local Taizé services.

What gives you joy?

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