
April 7th, 2005

Thank you to everyone who responded as to their interests in the previous post. It’s very pleasing to get input when it’s requested, and that has certainly not always been the case of my blog in the past. I have edited the ballot to make the list numbered, since most of you numbered your preferences anyways. You still have a chance to say your piece (or change your mind) for a couple more days, as I won’t get to tallying them up until this weekend. That’s when I’ll probably start working on the posts as well. I have at least two entries before I do whatever it is you’ve voted on : one reviewing Ray Bradbury’s Cat’s Pajamas and my monthly resolution roundup for March. Just so you know where I’m at and where I’m going and that I haven’t forgotten you when nothing off the list comes up in the next entry.

Also, there’s out of town guests this weekend.

I’m not done with Mieville’s book, but someone has loaned me Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and I am very close to bailing on Perdido Street Station for this other book. I shall try to be strong, but I haven’t had much reading time this week, and I am wavering a little. I hadn’t felt compelled to read the Mieville book (always a bad sign) for about three or four days. However, just now I read it for five minutes in the bathroom and something new was introduced that has me pretty excited, so I’m going to go back to that right after I finish up here.

I’m very close to being done with Orcinus. I like his blog and all, but it’s so doggedly single subject and I don’t believe I need to see every possible event in the light of who from an extremist right wing group may potentially be associated with it and I’m looking for stuff to cut anyways so he may have to go. I recently cut a book log out also because I am once again drowning in my desiderata, and I don’t need to read anyone else’s recommendations or reviews of anything at all until I make some headway with my own mountain to be read here at home. How does this happen, exactly?

slacktivist pulled together a bunch of disparate thoughts on the pope into a post which is worth reading. I, for one, could really get used to Pope Julia and priestly celibacy has always seemed like asking for trouble to me.

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