20 November 2005 by Published in: in my life 2 comments

I’m off to visit family for Thanksgiving. That should explain my absence for the upcoming week or so. As for my absence for the last week, well, I have no excuse. Take care of yourselves, feel free to spice up the place with interesting commentary, and I’ll be back soon.


Sun 20th Nov 2005 at 7:50 pm

I have a mini-present for Sophia that has been sitting around in it’s envelope for well over a month. The other day I came across it on my desk with a little yellow stick-it note attached to it that read, "you are a slacker. -Ken."

Tue 13th Dec 2005 at 3:30 pm

so what’s the record for lag between blog entries, anyway? you must surely be nearing it if you haven’t already obliterated same.


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