Can you name some author whose novels you prefer to their short stories? I’ve been trying to do this for days. I’m having trouble coming up with a list. Some people I can’t vouch for, because I’ve never read their short (or long) work, but in nearly every case where I’ve read both, I prefer the short stories. Stephen King is my token exception, but maybe that’s just residual effects of that meh short story of his I read out of McSweeney’s. Weird, innit?
I finally finished the Ellison tome and I can safely say I’ve read all the Ellison required for one lifetime. There was some seriously amazing stuff in there, don’t get me wrong, but one thousand pages can hardly be claimed to be a distillation of the choicest morsels. Sadly, I was underwhelmed by “Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman”. The included screenplay occasionally had me reaching for a knife to gouge out my eyes, but I’m sure that’s just my movie aversion kicking up. Likewise, reading about Hollywood bores me, so the whole “Nights & Days in Good Old Hollyweird” section tested my resolve to read the whole book. On the other hand, “Jeffty is Five” continues to be the most amazing story ever, Ellison’s reporting from the Selma march wooed me completely, and if once in my entire life I write a story as good as “A Boy and His Dog” then it’s pretty much die happy time. Oh, and “At the Mouse Circus” hit me in all the right spots, even though I know I didn’t scrape up anywhere near all the meaning that’s in there, and I can’t wait to read it again sometime.
The slushbomb story fizzled. I had two scenes that didn’t go together, and in fact may have belonged in different stories (though I know they were in the same world with the same protag which is really frustrating). I just wanted a nice, three-scene story on a traditional arc to test the waters at F&SF with. Oh well. To the vault with you until you grow a plot, you wannabe cyberpunk piece.
So in discussion of why the slushbomb is or isn’t a good idea (discussion in which I did not participate, mind you) on an email list I belong to, someone linked this blog posting by Jed Hartman. Besides being incisive (if a little too liberal with the disclaimers), it made my brain tingle in three ways :
“So instead, the idea, from my point of view anyway, is to have more editors who are naturally inclined (without conscious bias or intent) to buy stories by women. Regardless of your own gender, do you generally like the stories you read that are by women as much as or more than the ones that you read that are by men? (I’m not talking about conscious choice here; I’m saying, do you find yourself reading a story and liking it and then noticing it was by a woman, over and over again?) If so, have you ever considered editing a magazine? Or a Year’s Best? Or even publishing a virtual Year’s Best?an online list of what you would put into a Year’s Best if you were editing one?”
Something chimes in my head. I can do that? A virtual Year’s Best? Huh. How come I never thought of that on my own? So there you go, something you may see from me at some point, because that’s how things start in my head, with that little ding and followed by the “huh” that means I’m mulling it over.
Sorry, in an effort to abbreviate I was more obtuse than I intended : SH is Strange Horizons, F&SF is Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine.
SH published Elizabeth Bear’s story http://www.strangehorizons…. "Two Dreams on Trains" which I liked, Merrie Haskell’s neat fairytale reworking http://www.strangehorizons…. "Huntswoman", and the very cool http://www.strangehorizons…. "Cloud Dragon Skies" by N.K. Jemisin. Among other things.
Also edited the entry to add links to magazines when I referred to them.
A couple belated (and unrelated-to-each-other) comments:
1. I prefer Sterling’s novels to his short stories, among those I’ve read, but my sample space is small.
2. Glad to have sparked thoughts! If you do put together a virtual year’s best, drop me a note and I’ll probably link to it.
3. Yeah, the "relationships" thing is still something I’m pondering. When K. said it, it felt right, but I haven’t quite figured out a way of thinking about it that gives a clear categorization to any given story. Which leads me to think that "about relationships" is a little bit too broad/vague, but I think it may be a start on an interesting and useful description.
…It was also useful to me as a meta-idea: the idea that there might be somewhat gendered axes on which to measure stories other than the traditional "boys like stories about gadgets and girls like stories about people" axis. So even if "relationships" turns out not to be quite the right label/distinction/categorization, it opened my mind to the idea that there might be such labels that aren’t as stereotypical as the ones I’d been thinking of. …If that didn’t make any sense, then just ignore this paragraph.
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