28 August 2006 by Published in: in my life No comments yet

I know I’m late to this party, but LibraryThing is so cool. I love the author and tag clouds. I’ve been meaning to make an account ever since I read about it on Transylvanian Dutch’s blog around three weeks ago. So far I’ve input 25 books, and I want to snapshot my median obscurity, because when I get to the basement paperbacks, I’m sure my collection will become markedly less esoteric. Out of 25 books I have listed in my library, 5 are not listed by any other LibraryThinger (what, no one else has the 2006 Guia Filcar to Buenos Aires? Imagine!). If I’d started on my reference shelf, instead of with the books on the bedside table I’d recently read, I bet this score would be even lower. But behold :

Library statistics
25 Number of books
25 Number of distinct works
27/221 Median/mean book obscurity*
* number of users who have books in your collection

See my slowly growing library or check out my profile. Better yet, dust off your cuecat, make yourself an account and input your own books.

I’m off to inventory!

iTunes says I was listening to Tilting the Windmill from the album Ready or Not, Here We Come! by Thee Spivies when I posted this. I have it rated 3 stars.


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