
February, 2007

Yeah, I can never remember how many dream entries I’ve done, so I’m starting again at 1.

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I went to Viable Paradise in 2004, and it was a great experience. One of the best things about it was the number of really cool people that I met. My favorite person there, Ogi Ogas, was a player on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” last year (yes, it’s still on, I was just as surprised). He’s a really bright guy, I love his stories. He’s just as friendly as he was on the show, and he won half a million, and he wrote (and sold!) an article about his experiences here.

Another of my favorite people there, Suzanne Palmer, just had the story “He’s Got Skeletons” published online. It’s delightful and funny, you should go read it. I think she still owes me a story about three-legged camels in the Aztec jungles, though.

And speaking of three-legged camels, the person who wrote the most wonderful story I read while at VP as well as a really promising but frustrating and inconsistent story (giving birth to my diatribe about the three-legged camels) has just published a beautiful story at Clarkesworld. So now you can enjoy her poetic language too.

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And I just cannot help but tell you. I submitted a piece of flash fiction to Escape Pod’s 300 word flash fiction contest. So did my friend, the Queen of Plot. Because Escape Pod rocks, and this is the first time I’ve seen a call for something not reprints, which is what they usually favor. Even better, it’s a reader (listener?) rated contest. No, I’m not going to tell you which one is mine, that would be against the rulez, but you should join the forums and read the various flash bits and vote for your favorites nonetheless. I’d vote for myself (and other ones I like), but I’m scared to read the comments on my piece. My ego is weak, weak. But you have no stake, right? So go, enjoy. Discover the wondrous good that is Escape Pod. Even though I’ve linked some of the stories here before, in a few weeks I intend to do a “Best of Escape Pod” post, so you can stay tuned for my five or eight favorite stories ever from Escape Pod.

This makes three things I have out in submissions, more than I’ve ever had out before. Ha.

You notice how I revealed one secret so that I could hold back another? Double ha.

Also, I shoveled snow today. For the first time. In my life.

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