

I am fast asleep and I wake suddenly. Someone has just called my name, and that’s why I’m awake. I hold still and silent, eyes open in the dark, waiting for them to call out again. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. When they don’t, when no one’s there, did the call happen inside my dream? And if so, why does that wake me?

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Amusing dream last night.

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In: dreams | Tags:

29 Nov 2007, by

Look there I am.

Being an example. In someone else’s post about writers.

Didn’t you wonder where I’d been?

You’ll also find good, sensical commentary about slush from Ann. You have already heard her story “Hesperia and Glory” on Escape Pod, right? Because it’s awesome. No, really. I speak truth: there is not now, nor has there ever been a well in my basement.

Free advice for writers from my friend Sarah,”Because that two adjectives for every noun thing? It needs to stop. Now.” I’m reminded of it by my adjectives “good” and “sensical” in the previous paragraph. But do note how many nouns went through unadorned, will you?

Have a dream.

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18 May 2007, by

Dream messages

The night before last, I dreamed that I had lost one of my two earrings, and that I was wandering around oblivious to the fact that I was only wearing one earring. When I realized, I looked everywhere for the second, to no avail. Last night I dreamed that I missed a strip on my leg shaving and was wandering around with one ankle-to-knee hairy strip but the rest smooth. Again, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed that while shaving and was looking for a way to remedy it (obviously I was nowhere near a shower and shaving implements).

I can only conclude my subconscious is trying to remind me of something important about myself that’s missing, forgotten, but what?

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In: dreams | Tags:

Strawberries and Sophia.

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Yeah, I can never remember how many dream entries I’ve done, so I’m starting again at 1.

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Dream stuff in the extended entry.

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