What would I take pictures of if I didn’t have pets?
Another one of those pictures that I didn’t expect to work. Or perhaps I didn’t expect to work at all and it worked marginally. Or something like that. You can tell that those are two cats at a window, anyway and the reflected branches and trees look kinda cool.
Sophia eating breakfast at the Kolache Factory on a school free morning.
That child seriously needs her bangs trimmed in this picture. And I still haven’t gotten it done two weeks later. Ah well, maybe this week. Also of note in this photograph: you can see our super cool right on the door doorbell to the left of my husband’s shoulder. I love the way that doorbell looks and the way it sounds.
One of Webster’s Lustron homes. Welcome to the retro-future! Apparently our community has a high concentration of these unusual steel homes, and we went on a geocache tour of several of them.
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Yay for geocaching.