
April 8th, 2008

So there was the week I was really busy, which was followed by the week with the surprise vacation I couldn’t tell you about beforehand, which was followed by a second ridiculously busy week, followed by a bout with almost pneumonia. Apparently, it’s not pneumonia without a chest x-ray, but it was close enough to make me feel really awful. Still feeling really awful, actually, and overall pretty weak. I can do one or two things, if I follow them up with long periods of lying down doing next to nothing. Some of the time I can read, but not when I’m dizzy, which is frequent. I cannot recommend almost pneumonia as a weight loss regimen, though I can testify to a personal loss of around six pounds in a week, mostly fever sweat weight, I imagine. I had a number of really bizarre dreams, too, but I failed to remember them even while I was telling myself to remember them.

Still, I am probably going to get better. The doctor gave me antibiotics and stop coughing stuff. Yesterday I ate two meals! Today I’m going to try and make it three.

So anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to. How about you?

You’ll probably have to keep yourself entertained for a small while longer, since this inconvenient illness is making me really behind on a number of obligations, so I provide two links, both of the making the world a better place variety: choosing bliss, and compassion meditation.

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