
September 22nd, 2018

So I’m still teaching – this will be ninth year in the classroom.  I still love it, though I am starting at my third school, so maybe I do need to move around from time to time.  I have learned an incredible amount in the time I have been fortunate enough to spend with children.  And now that I’ve been at several different schools, I have a pretty good idea of what I want in a classroom environment and in colleagues and administration.  I move ever closer to where I want to be and where I think I can be most helpful.  It’s been a good near decade, despite my lack of contributions here.

One of my best victories is the acquisition of a class dog.  She’s a rescue, older and enormous.  She joined my classroom three days a week when I started at my new school this fall.  I can’t even describe all the magic that happens because she’s present with children, but I suppose one day I can try my hand at it and post something that may or may not be persuasive or interesting.

Kenner chilling on her bed at school.

Anyway.  I thought that if there were someone still hanging around who was interested in seeing what I am sometimes up to, then I’d help them out by sharing here that as of this year, I’m semi-occasionally contributing to the Villa di Maria Montessori school blog.  It’s a wonderful place to get information about Montessori, with beautiful pictures from a variety of talented photographers who are part of the VdM community. My first post, fortuitously celebrating the International Day of Peace (September 21), has gone up. I encourage you to check it out.


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