20 March 2003 by Published in: meta 2 comments

OK, bit by bit, the new blog is coming together. Comments are enabled and working, and most of the links on the left should work too. There’s still some gropen things and feel free to leave me a comment about anything abnormal you find, just in case it’s something not already on my “to fix” list. Otherwise, I’m taking a break from fiddling with the site to load old diary entries. You know what’s strange? taking text files named totally random things like tattomania.txt or 030303.txt and trying to find meaningful “titles” for them as blog entries. Maybe I should get rid of the title altogether. After all, I might not be able to come up with scintillating enough titles and feel all this pressure to be cool like all the other bloggers and fail miserably and get writer’s block.

Or something.


Fri 21st Mar 2003 at 8:11 am

Considering how you tend to write journal entries, I’d say titles are actually a hinderance, as they’d have to be several lines long to encapsulate what’s being said in that entry. Scrap the titles. :)

Fri 21st Mar 2003 at 6:06 pm

Ooh I already like the layout a little more on here.

On my site, while I don’t have a handy dandy blogger program, I do just leave my entries in default type titles, journal1, journal2, etc or whatever I have it as.

And I’m working on your pekture.

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