Keep an eye on this space for this month’s experiment: NaBloPoMo.
Of course, I’m a day late, which means I can’t go on the official roster, but hey, if you get 29 days in a row of posts from me out of this, will you care about November 1? I didn’t think so. So I can’t win a prize. Like I’d be doing something like this for a prize.
Today I baked Pan de Muerto for Sophia’s class at school. It was quite tasty. We put together an altar and talked about Day of the Dead. Sophia asked to remember Simone. My ambition is to get molds and master making sugar skulls for next year.
I have many projects I wish to do, so I need to make myself a list. I hope you won’t mind if I do it here.
Things I may or may not blog about this month (prompts, if you will):
The following blogging ideas are culled from this poll I did way back:
BTW, these are both running lists. I will feel free to come back and expand on them at any time. Man, as of the first posting, I have only a third of the month taken care of if I do everything on the posting list, which I have no intention of doing. I’m going to need a bigger set of ideas to pick from. Maybe a bigger brain. Perhaps both.