My hair is still coming out in handfuls. I tell myself that the rate of loss is less than before, but I think that this may just be stubborn delusion on my part. I also keep checking for new growth, but am not really finding any. Judging from the thinness of my braids, ponytails and buns, I’ve lost approximately half my hair. I have two largeish bald spots that are easily covered right now through strategic hair placement. Yes, essentially a combover. I have decided that if I uncover another bald spot I’ll be shaving my head. If my hair is all going to fall out, I’m not going to just wait and watch while it does. I don’t look forward to this. I’ve actually always wanted to shave my head, but I’ve always worried that I might have a funny shaped head but wouldn’t know it until all the hair was gone and that my features aren’t strong enough to pull off the no hair look. Also, I love my long hair. Love, love, love it.
Still, I’m not going to sit around with an ever diminishing head of hair. It’s too depressing. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take, but Friday I see the wonderful woman who trims my hair and we’ll talk. She’s honest and I know that if I need it, she’ll shave my head.
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