I am retelling one of those moments that touch you, and are so quickly gone that they are usually forgotten.
I told Sophia that after she came home from daycare, we would be going to get an H.C. with Ms. Lynn and that Ms. Lynn was going to make us both so pretty. I was hoping that if I prepared her in advance that she wouldn’t have a screaming tantrum, as she’s had on every other occasion. She looked at me and very, very softly, so that I almost couldn’t hear her, asked, “Sucker?” Hooray! The bribe has worked. Yes! Yes, when we go to Ms. Lynn’s we get a sucker! And there’s animals in her studio. Sophia smiled.
You know, ever since I started keeping a too public dream journal, people have started telling me about their dreams. My husband wakes up and tells me he had strange dreams, then describes them. Some friends have started telling me all about their dreams, and others have posted recent dreams to their blogs. I’m not saying that these people wouldn’t have spoken to me about their dreams anyways, or posted about them to their own blogs, but it seems like there’s a connection there. One of my good friends was even telling me about a book in which a character illustrates her dreams with collages. Of course my talking so much about dreams probably puts people in the frame of mind that I’m interested in them, which I am, but I’ve always been interested in them and people just never really knew.
There’s also the people who tell me that they never dream, or they never remember their dreams if they have them. I find it curious that people should say this. It’s like saying, “I see you’re wearing glasses. I never wear glasses.” I guess it’s a way of differentiating themselves from me. You dream. I’m too busy for that nonsense. I have yet to be surprised by the people who tell me they don’t dream. Guys more often than women, it seems, thought that may have more to do with the predominant gender of people I speak to than with actual statistical variance. I may have too much free time, but I like remembering my dreams. I work at it.
And without further ado, last night’s dream, the show finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which I missed, but my subconscious did not.