Meme, because that’s all I have energy for (so that’s how memes happen). Works thusly: you read over the Science Fiction Book Club’s “The Most Significant SF & Fantasy Books of the Last 50 Years, 1953-2002” list and then you italicize and bold and mark up stuff about each one, and everything you mark up means something. Only I haven’t done enough of these to figure out what’s what, so I’m taking a page from my fellow VPer cicadabug’s book and just grouping them instead of all the crazy highlighting. Makes more sense and you know, I just cannot resist putting like items together. I’ve been having an ongoing conversation with a friend about spec fic and how much I’ve been reading of it lately and whether that’s a departure for me or not. Perhaps the list will illuminate.
Books I’ve read, loved and still love (and would read again in a heartbeat, if only there were enough heartbeats in a life to do so)
Books I loved when I read them
Books I’ve read
Books I read but hated
Books I feel like I really ought to/want to read
Meh. Might read this some day
Books you will never persuade me (go on, try) I need to read
(to be fair, I totally met my Ellison quota, because I read the mammoth retrospective tome)
Did I read this?
It may seem weird to you that I’m not all that sure what I’ve read. This is part of my impetus toward better record-keeping. I forget what I read. I’m also pleased to see how I’ve loved most of what I’ve read, and hated very little of it. Even the two haters were instrumental in their way to my adolescent self. Before I read them, I read anything, uncritically. It took stories I hated to make me see not all stories are worth it. So, not counting the five I may or may not have read (they look familiar, but if I did read them it was over ten years ago and I can’t exactly remember), I’ve read twenty three of the fifty. Not quite half, but close. Some of the most loved ones I’ve read multiple times.
ETA : I asterisked the books strongly recommended in the comments, in case I use this entry to pick books later.
I’m with elaine – I liked Ender’s Game quite a bit (and even liked the second in the series too) but I try to blot out books 3 and 4.
Hmm…19 out of 50 for me. I clearly have to make a visit to the library.
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I really can’t recommend Little, Big highly enough. I had a hell of a time finding a copy (maybe it’s back in print now?) but I just treasured that book all the way through.
Also, Ender’s Game has much to recommend it. If I were reading it for the first time, though (and it’s one of those books I very much wish I could read for the first time again), I’d stop at the end and NOT read the rest of the series. At all.