
April 4th, 2003

4 Apr 2003, by

So I had wanted to get an entry in every day, but yesterday I was frazzled, uninspired and couldn’t find my list of things to write about. Also yesterday I had a great story idea that I didn’t write down and now is gone forever. On the plus side, the house is still sold and we now have a bank account with a bank I don’t hate. Not only that, but my power adapter came from Apple and it works and now I have my iBook working again and everything is well.

I have the ability with this software to ping every time I update. I’m trying to decide whether I want to do that or not. I’m also trying to decide whether I want to keep the link to under the links category. All it does if I activate it is add me to the list of recent updates. I don’t think anyone actually surfs to try and find blogs although I’ve been doing exactly that some in the past couple of weeks, studying layouts and so forth and getting ideas for my own space. I’m always my own counterexample, it seems. Opinions? I also have the ability to notify people on updates of the site. This is something people have actually asked me for and I now have it. If you want to be notified when I submit new entries let me know and I’ll add you to the list. Unless you tell me otherwise, I’ll add the address you write me from as the notification address. I won’t start this up until I’m done posting the backlog, by the way, so it may be a couple of weeks or so.

Still left to do on the site:

  • Combine the two CSS files into one. The CSS is still not working properly in IE on mac but maybe combining them will fix this.
  • Fiddle with CSS until : there’s no across scroll at the bottom of the browser and the line that breaks the header from the content doesn’t go through the middle of the title on IE and nothing that currently works is broken.
  • Fiddle with the right hand table until the graphics align properly in IE
  • Finish skin editing for other views (archives, items, etc.)
  • Make the comments be boxed out and pretty
  • Make the contents text smaller
  • Add toadstools
  • Add links and site navigation stuff
  • Add bar image for breaks
  • See if I want to add any more plugins
  • Update currents content and add titles to different sections
  • The things I’ve forgotten to list go here
  • Fiddle with the calendar till it works the way I think it should

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In: meta | Tags:

4 Apr 2003, by

Epiphany : the tune to “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” is the same tune as the “ABC” song. How come I never realized this before?

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In: in my life | Tags:
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