Welcome to the week! So far, we’re off to a good start. Sophia had a great weekend. On Saturday we stopped by the Belhaven market where she got a chance to walk around outside see kids and dogs and crafts and stuff. She had a pretty good time. Then, on Sunday, we went over to a friend’s to do some computer stuff for her and Sophia was able to play with our friend’s son, Matthew. She had a blast! They played together really well, even though he is almost a year older than she is, and he had this lawnmower toy that Sophia kept talking about for hours afterward. When we got home, she ate everything in sight, a true testament that she had expended plenty of energy.
Great, if somewhat late, news. Sophia is now 100 % weaned! That’s right folks, she no longer nurses. I had been impatient on and off for this to happen, but I’m very glad I didn’t rush it or push it too much. It happened around month 22 instead of month 15, as I would have hoped, but anytime before 2 is good enough, as far as I’m concerned. Also, I’m thrilled with how gradually and naturally and painlessly it happened. She basically just decided to stop nursing. Hurray! This is more or less how it went down. First, on Saturday March 15 we took Sophia to a hockey game. We came home past her bedtime, and she was very tired, so we put her straight to bed without her nightime nursing, which at that time was her last nurse. She had been nursing for only about 3 minutes, down from around 8 or 10 in January. I felt like she was ready to stop altogether, but I didn’t want to just cut her off, because night time has been pleasant for everyone and I didn’t want to introduce any sleep traumas or troubles. Kurt and I had talked about what we’d replace the nursing with, and we decided it’d be a book. So the next night, Sunday night, we did the whole ritual, but I told her that after nursing I was going to read her a book, and she would get her paci then while we read instead of in the crib. We read a book and she loved it. She nursed first, and it was a long nurse, so I was concerned that we were backtracking a bit, but it turns out my concerns were groundless. The next night I offered her milk, but she wanted to read the book instead, and we’ve been reading a book instead ever since. She runs from brushing her teeth to our bed, asking for a book and her paci. Once during that first week she asked for milk, and I reluctantly offered her the breast, but she actually started complaining, and I realized that even though she had said milk, she really wanted to cuddle in the bed and read instead. She’s really growing up fast, and it’s so exciting to watch.